My First Web Page



Ahh… The internet.

The Internet

Look at them all having fun! Rad!

Yes… But what makes up all the amazing pages we know and love? HTML.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. If you have every heard of hyperlinks in word docs, this usage of hyper may make some sense. What HyperText in HTML means it’s a language that ultimate links content (text) together! Basically, HTML constructs the skeleton of a website; a title should go here, some text should go here, an image here, etc. In fact, what you’re looking at right now is… (drumroll)… HTML!

There are so many different tags in HTML that dictate what will be on a user’s screen. However, if you’ve ever seen a website that is pure HTML…


Beauty in simplicity?

It’s pretty spartan. We can make our pages more interesting and visually appealing by styling them! Guess what, there’s a language for that too! It’s called CSS.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It’s a fancy way of describing the way that CSS works in a top down flow. Basically, CSS styles the HTML by assigning style atributes to the different HTML tags. No worries about the gritty details of what that means right now, but we’ll see soon enough! The result can make websites that look like the very retro website for Space Jam or like the professional website for NPR.


It turns out, one of the best resources for trying to figure out how to make webpages is the internet! For HTML/CSS, I suggest using W3Schools. You can find info on all kinds of HTML tags and how to use them, as well as what styling options exist for CSS!

Your Mission

Locally (on your computer), make two a folder called myfirstwebpage, and create two files in it. One called index.html and one called styles.css. One will contain the skeleton of your site, the other, the styles! With these two files, let’s create a webpage of your choosing using html and css that has the following:

  1. At least one <div/> that has either an id or class
  2. Two different font sizes
  3. At least one heading (h1, h2, etc.)
  4. At least one <a/> tag linking to another site (using href)
  5. At least one image using the <img/> tag
  6. At least one ordered or unordered list (<ol> or <ul>) with several list items (<li>)
  7. Style in a separate styles.css file

Feel free to add more to this website! These are just minimum requirements.

If unsure about what to make, here are some possibilities: